See Something? Say Something.
Daniel has seen Sam tease Lisa multiple times. He knows it hurts Lisa's feelings, but he hesitates to tell an adult because he is scared everyone will call him a tattletale. Will he make the right decision?
Follow up activities
Group activity
Each lesson has a discussion activity sheet that asks questions correlating to specific competencies and situations from the video.
Student Assignment
Our quizzes contain several multiple-choice and true/false questions that are based on information learned from the videos.
The journal activity allows students to apply what they have learned from the video lesson using moozoom’s chatbot conversation tool.
The planning guide helps set a weekly pace for teachers and their students, including activity time and dates.
View sampleThe moozoom letter to parents is an editable document that includes the theme, lessons, and additional information that is useful for parents and students.
View sampleSocial awareness includes the ability to understand and empathize with others, including those with different backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.
Relationship skills help us create and sustain positive, healthy, and supportive relationships with others in different settings.
Responsible decision-making skills help us make thoughtful, caring, and constructive decisions about personal behavior and social interactions in different situations.