How to Express Your Feelings
Dylan makes fun of Mary-Lou's name. This hurts because they are friends. Mary-Lou decides not to keep her feelings quiet and uses strategies to explain to Dylan how this joke made her feel rejected.

Follow up activities
Group activity

Each discussion activity contains questions that target specific CASEL competencies and situations relating to the video.

The role-play activity consists of reenacting multiple scenarios relating to the video lesson and using the specified steps listed on the sheet.
Student Assignment

Jumble steps is an educational game where students must correctly sequence the steps based on the scenarios given.

moozoom quizzes are compiled of several true/false and multiple choice questions aimed to reassert information discussed in the video.
Each moozoom planning guide sets the pace for the week of lessons, including information as it relates to the theme.
View sampleEach theme is accompanied by a letter to parents that includes the theme and other useful information to help continue the learning at home.
View sampleSelf-awareness is an individual's ability to understand their emotions, thoughts, actions, and values.
Self-management is the ability to manage emotions, reactions, and behaviors in various situations to meet goals and aspirations.