Refer five teachers from your school

Get 30 days of premium for free!

Spread the love for a bigger impact

Refer five teachers from your school. Get 30 days of moozoom premium for free.

Here’s how it works

Login to the app and invite 5 or more teachers from your school site.

Login to the app and invite 5 or more teachers from your school site.

As soon as 5 teachers from your site create an account, our team will notify you and upgrade you to 30 days of moozoom Premium.

As soon as 5 teachers from your site create an account, our team will notify you and upgrade you to 30 days of moozoom Premium.

Enjoy all the moozoom Premium befefits for 30 days!

Enjoy all the moozoom Premium befefits for 30 days!

moozoom pricing

Library of movie lessons in English, Spanish, and French
See what's free
Ready to use activities like discussion sheets, Quiz, Roleplays
27 videos
Zen Zone Videos for mindfulness
Student moodboard to detect At-risk Students
Why you need this!
1 group with
30 students
Teacher view
Customer success team
No support
How to get
Create Free Account
Free Pilot
Library of movie lessons in English, Spanish, and French
See what's free


for 30 days

Ready to use activities like discussion sheets, Quiz, Roleplays


for 30 days

Zen Zone Videos for mindfulness


for 30 days

Student moodboard to detect At-risk Students
Why you need this!


for 30 days


Teacher and
Admin View

for 30 days

Customer success team

Full support

for 30 days

How to get
Refer 5 teachers
moozoom Premium
Library of movie lessons in English, Spanish, and French
See what's free
Ready to use activities like discussion sheets, Quiz, Roleplays
Zen Zone Videos for mindfulness
Student moodboard to detect At-risk Students
Why you need this!
Teacher and
Admin View
Customer success team
Full support
How to get
Book a demo
moozoom pricing


Lauren Reppucci

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I dont have 5 teachers in my school?

It is totally possible to still enjoy moozoom premium account for 30 days. Please contact us here and our team will reach out to you.

Is my data secured

moozoom is committed to protecting users’ privacy while providing a personalized and valuable learning experience through its education technology product.
We never sell your data or student data
We never advertise in moozoom
We are Coppa and Ferpa compliant

What if I need support

As part of our premium 30 days account, you have full access to our customer support team. Please feel free to schedule a call with them here