Limited Technology Access

If your classroom does not have 1:1 tech access for each student, moozoom recommends watching all videos as a class and then trying our center model solution (described below) for the independent activities.

  • Center Model: Utilize moozoom as a center and rotate small groups (3-6 students per group, depending on the number of Chromebooks/iPads/devices available). With this approach, all students can interact with the moozoom platform at least once weekly. Teachers can assign specific modules and related activities for each student, and students can complete their indepedent assignments during their designated moozoom center time. Teachers can monitor each student’s progress using the teacher dashboard. Teachers can also facilitate large group discussions after all students have completed a module if desired. Alternatively, if it is difficult for students to log in and out of their accounts in small groups, we recommend specifying different days for groups to complete their assignments. For example, group 1 uses moozoom on Monday, and group 2 uses moozoom on Tuesday, etc.
  • Example #1: In a second-grade classroom, one day each week, the teacher sets up a moozoom center (could be in addition to literacy or math centers) with devices ready for students to log in. Students rotate through all centers that day so that all students have the opportunity to complete their journal or quiz independently.
  • Example #2: In a fourth-grade classroom, the teacher sets up centers every day during the week. The students stay in one center for the duration of center time. This eliminates students' difficulty logging in and out while transitioning through centers.
  • Designated weekly computer lab time: If your school offers a designated weekly (or more often) time slot for students to access a computer lab, moozoom recommends using this time for students to complete their independent activites. This can be done in many different ways.

How to Turn Off Google Auto Translation

Find out how to turn off automatic translation in Google Chrome using these simple steps.


Not Receiving moozoom Emails

Explore the steps to take when you are not receiving moozoom's emails.
