Follow Up Activities

Explore the varitey of follow-up activities moozoom has to offer for each video lesson here.


moozoom engages students in CASEL-aligned quizzes that reassert and solidify student knowledge acquisition at the end of each video-based lesson. These quizzes build on prior knowledge, create a bridge between the lived experience of the students and those of the characters, and challenge students to consider reactions and consequences of the character's behavior and their own. They are a level-appropriate review activity. The scores are available on the dashboard under Quiz Performance.


The classroom discussion plans, in PDF form, support teacher-led student discussion of video content. These PDF handouts provide a structured classroom format. They may be used in whole or small groups to facilitate conversation about the video content, create links between the lived experiences of students and the characters, and scaffold later discussion around how students can apply newly acquired social-emotional and mental health skills in their own lives.

Jumble Steps

Jumble-Steps is an educational game in which the students must correctly order the steps to implement the social and emotional or mental health skills explored in the videos. The game is leveled appropriately for each student grade band.

Role Play

In teams of two, students choose a scenario related to the theme and improvise possible solutions to adopt in response to social, emotional, or mental health challenges.


moozoom engages students in journal activities to help them apply lessons learned in the videos to their lives. A chatbot conversation tool allows them to discuss real-life situations where they manage their emotions and interactions well. This tool allows students to freely express themselves while fostering self-esteem and a sense of competence by sharing a situation where they experienced success.

Where to Find My First Video

You have created an account, now lets start watching some SEL videos! Find out exactly how to find one of moozoom's mini lessons here.


4 Types of Videos

Unveil the four captivating video categories available on moozoom and their respective objectives.
