Rethinking SEL
for teachers
No training, No PD Required
Get started in 3 easy steps
Pick your theme
Select your movie lesson
Use our follow-up activities
Teacher testimonials
SEL that doesn’t feel like extra work!

Teacher testimonials
“ Truly Click & Play “
“ Captivating for students “
“ Quick student behavior improvement “
“ Extensive video library “
Try it for free
at no extra cost
Unlike other SEL programs, moozoom comes with a built-in dashboard to give you an overview of your school climate, statistics on moozoom usage, student SEL skills acquisition, and assessments.
Sign up for free Student
daily wellness
Receive daily feedback on how your students are feeling and instantly identify those that need more help
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moozoom is proven effective both in scientific studies
and real-world evaluation
by teachers and students.
We make SEL:
Real for Kids,
Easy for Educators
moozoom's resources are all built on real-life scenarios and challenges that your students encounter in their daily lives.
We bring real world in your classroom,
in just 10 minutes per day.